About Post : Apply for Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Recruitment 2024. Are you looking for a job in Coast Guard? If yes, then read this page. Because on this article we are providing you details for Coast Guard Assistant Commandant. Coast Guard has released a notification for Assistant Commandant 2026 Batch. So, eligible candidates may fill Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Notification 2024 Form for vacant positions. As per the notice, candidates may apply Coast Guard AC Recruitment 2024 Form @joinindiancoastguard.cdac.in
The selection of Assistant Commandants is based on an all India order of merit which is based on the performance of candidates in various stages (I – V) of examination (explained in detail below) and the number of vacancies available for the post.
Clearing of Stage I, II, III, IV and V is compulsory for recruitment in ICG.
All candidates will be compulsorily subjected to biometric, photo identification and document verification during various stages of examination. The details of various stages of examination are as follows:
Stage-I (CGCAT):
All candidates for all branches (except law candidates) shall appear in computer based online screening test known as CGCAT.
The test will be conducted in designated centres located in all over India.
The test comprises of 100 multiple choice questions (MCQ) carrying four marks for each correct answer and one negative mark for each incorrect answer.
The duration of the test will be of two hours and medium of test paper will be English.
Based on the performance in the Stage-I, candidates will be shortlisted for appearing in Stage-II (PSB) which will be conducted for a day at Noida, Mumbai / Goa, Chennai and Kolkata centers.
Candidates are to give their choice for PSB center at the time of filling of application form.
Candidates will be screened through Computerized Cognitive Battery Test (CCBT) and Picture Perception & Discussion Test (PP&DT).
The CCBT will be in English only and will be of objective type.
During PP&DT the candidates are expected tospeak and discuss in English.
However, they are free to speak in Hindi if they wish to do so.
The Stage–II examination is only of qualifying nature i.e. either Pass or Fail.
Stage-III: Final Selection Board (FSB):
The candidates qualifying for Stage-III will be intimated on completion of stage-II at respective centers.
The schedule of Stage-III will be intimated to the candidate on personal Login IDs.
FSB is conducted at the Coast Guard Selection Board (CGSB) located at Noida and spans over five days.
The candidates are subjected to Psychological Test, Group Task and Interview (Personality test).
All documents/ certificates verified during PSB are also required to be produced in originals during FSB.
Board conference is held on last day and thereafter recommended candidates are sent for Stage-IV i.e. initial /special medical examination.
How to Fill Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Recruitment 2024 ?
The application for online registration will be hosted on the Coast Guard website from 05 Dec 2024.
Applications will be received online only.
Upon registration, applicants will be provided with an online Registration Number, which should be carefully preserved for future reference.
E-mail ID of the applicant is to be given in the application compulsorily.
The last date for submitting online application is 24 Dec 2024.
Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Recruitment 2024 Important Links